HONOLULU, HAWAII, U.S. — The deadline to secure a place at Aquafeed Horizons, the FIAAP Conference and/or the GRAPAS Conference 2011 is April 15.

The international feed and grain conferences taking place during Victam 2011 - Aquafeed Horizons, FIAAP and GRAPAS Conferences is May 3-5 in Cologne, Germany.

After April 15, registration will be accepted on-site on a space-available basis only.

The 5th Aquafeed Horizons meeting is May 3. Aquaculture feed industry’s information specialist, Aquafeed.com, has joined forces with Norway’s research group, Nofima, to present Aquafeed Horizons Conference: Advances in Processing & Formulation. Dr. Olai Einen, director of research, Nofima, Norway will welcome delegates to a packed day of presentations by Nofima’s scientists and experts from industry. Topics will cover pellet quality, extrusion technology, formulation and more. Registration and full details are available atwww.feedconferences.com.  

The FIAAP Conference is May 4. It will be held in association with EUFETECH, the newly formed European Feed Technology Centre. EUFETEC's ambition is to initiate and coordinate a European response to major challenges in areas such as sustainable feed and environment, feed and food quality and safety, and production unit management. By identifying common industry challenges and opportunities, research will be coordinated and the results converted into practical guidelines.

EUFETEC will help the industry to implement these through training and the provision of support services. Representing EUFETECH, Gert van Duinkerken of Wageningen UR Livestock Research, Netherlands, will introduce speakers from TECALIMAN, France, FEFANA, Novi Sad, Serbia, ILVO, Belgium, Wageningen University, Netherlands, Poet Nutrition, Nutreco, Provimi and GMP+ International to provide insights into current feed hygiene and safety issues, regulation, and specific ingredient incorporation. Registration and full details are available atwww.feedconferences.com.  

The 2nd GRAPAS Conference is May 15. Millers and grain processors from across Europe and beyond will come together to see the latest in equipment and products and to learn about developments in flour milling, grain processing, grain and finished product storage and handling solutions.

Christoph Kempkes, director VK Mühlen A and member of the board of The German Millers Association (Verband Deutscher Mühlen) will introduce delegates to the German milling industry and welcome them to a day of technical presentations. Dr. Jan-Willem van der Kamp, senior officer international projects, TNO, Netherlands, will start the day with a discussion of the Healthgrain project.

Commodity handling and storage, grain preservation, a case study of NIR applications used throughout the Barilla Group, flour milling, extrusion technology, structural grinding and expander use, the impact of debranning on durum wheat and semolina quality and resource optimization software will all be discussed. Registration and full details are available atwww.feedconferences.com.