AGIC Asia 2017
Both events will be held in March.
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA — The Australian Grains Industry Conference (AGIC) Asia will host two conferences in Asia during March 2017, informing customers about Australia's grain industry and connecting Australian companies to Asian markets.Registration is now openfor both the Vietnam and China events.

The Vietnam conference will be held in Ho Chi Min City on March 7 and the other in Shanghai, China, on March 9.

Both Vietnam and China are important and expanding markets for Australian wheat, barley, sorghum, canola and pulses, AGIC said.  The events are intended to provide a critical opportunity for Australian grain industry to showcase its capacity and capability to meet customer needs and for Australian companies to present their businesses and leverage the opportunities in these markets. 

AGIC said this is an ideal opportunity for grain and oilseed processors in Vietnam, China and surrounding regions to hear the latest information on the Australian crop and interact with suppliers and other Australian grain industry participants. 

For more information or to register, click here