Established in 1998, AGI Milltec is a distinguished agro-processing equipment manufacturer, renowned for its extensive sales distribution network that extends domestically and internationally. Our unwavering commitment to customer-driven innovation is the cornerstone of our operations, aiming to minimize process loss and uphold the highest hygiene standards within the food processing and allied industries through the adoption of rigorous qualitative practices.
AGI Milltec’s comprehensive portfolio encompasses advanced equipment designed to streamline grain processing, storage, and handling. With an unyielding focus on research and development, orchestrated by a dedicated team of experts, and a comprehensive customer experience center addressing every facet of the value chain, AGI Milltec stands as an industry leader, continuously setting new standards in agro-processing excellence.
KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, US — North America’s Top 10 US states and Canadian provinces by wheat flour milling capacity in 2024 as listed in Sosland Publishing Co.’s 2024 Grain & Milling Annual. Daily capacity includes soft wheat, whole wheat and family flour; excludes family flour packaging plants without wheat flour milling capacity.