map of Ukraine
WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S. — Ukraine adopted new feed regulations affecting importers and domestic producers, according to a Jan. 25 Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) report issued by the Foreign Agricultural Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Beginning Jan. 19, 2020, Ukraine will no longer allow the sale of feeds containing feed additives not registered in Ukraine. It also prohibits sales of feeds produced in unregistered facilities.

“All U.S. exporters need to ensure that their facilities and products are properly registered before Jan. 19, 2020,” the USDA said. “Although no countries or organizations are recognized by Ukraine as having equivalent feed monitoring and registration systems, the E.U. is likely to become the first such organization in the near future. This may simplify market access for U.S. suppliers that are qualified for export to the E.U.”

The USDA noted the new law will affect an estimated $2.3 million of U.S. exports.

“The law also spelled-out existing requirements for registration of food additives,” the report said. “Previously the applicant needed to contact the State Scientific Research Control Institute of Veterinary Medicinal Products and Feed Additives for registration procedures. A new simplified registration procedure is also established. It can be used if the feed additive is registered by countries or international organizations that use procedures recognized as equivalent to those implemented in Ukraine.”