BRAZIL — Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) on Dec. 13 issued a decree outlining the steps importers will need to take to purchase and unload wheat from Russia. Previously, Russian wheat was not allowed to be processed in Brazil.

According to MAPA, the Russian wheat may only be used for consumption, and not as seed.

“The International Plant Protection Convention (CIPP) guides countries to take measures that are proportionate to trade,” said Luis Rangel, Brazil’s plant and animal health secretary. “We did risk analysis and feasibility of using this cargo processing strategy to meet CIPP standards.”

Initially, the only mills and ports that will be allowed to accept the wheat will be located in the north and northeast regions. The goal is to preserve cereal production areas located in the south of the country, MAPA said. Rangel said Brazilian port terminals in Manaus, Ceara and Recife, which are close to the mills that import wheat from other countries, will receive the first shipments. The port of Santos also has a mill that will be able to receive Russian wheat, he said.

“We will register the mills according to the demand of importers from the Department of Plant Protection,” Rangel said.

An official list of ports and mills will be published in the Federal Official Gazette.

Rangel said Brazil will reexamine the wheat import process if new risks arise. In the meantime, samples of all loads will be collected, with analysis conducted by the Agronomic laboratory, Rio Grande do Sul, accredited by the ministry, under the supervision of the Lanagro de Belem do Para.