ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, U.S. — CHS Inc. announced on Nov. 2 that it has acquired Creston Bean Processing, LLC, Creston, Iowa, U.S., from DeBruce Grain, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Gavilon, LLC, Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.
Gavilon will act as a purchasing agent for area producers, and will continue to source the more than 9 million bushels of soybeans the CHS plant crushes annually from growers and cooperatives in 10 southwestern Iowa counties. Soybean sales for delivery to the CHS Creston plant will be eligible for patronage and will help meet growing protein demand. The crude soybean oil from Creston will be shipped to the CHS Mankato, Minnesota, U.S., soybean refinery, where it will be further processed for human consumption.
"Soybeans grown in southern Iowa provide a higher protein component, desired by many of our domestic and international customers," said Tom Malecha, CHS vice-president of protein sales, Mankato.
The acquisition is part of the company's ongoing growth and expansion plans.
"Increasing our profile in food and food ingredient markets is one of the company's strategic aspirations," Malecha said. The Creston plant and its 32 employees will become part of CHS Oilseed Processing within the company's Ag Business division.
CHS supplies baking and snack and other food ingredient markets and industrial customers with soybean oil, soy flour, textured vegetable proteins and soy-based analogs.