KSU Flour Milling Course
The course focused on the process that transforms wheat to a consumer product as well as how different qualities can affect the final product outcome.

MANHATTAN, KANSAS, U.S. – Kansas State University’s (KSU) IGP Institute hosted 14 wheat growers and industry personnel representing state wheat commissioners from across the world Dec. 8-10.

“This course is one of the more diverse in regard to their job responsibilities,” said Mark Fowler, former IGP Institute associate director and course coordinator. “Shift millers, grain merchants, quality assurance managers, technical service managers have all previously attended.”

This customized course was intended to provide participants with better understanding of the milling and baking process. As a producer himself, Brian O’Toole, chairman of U.S. Wheat Associates and North Dakota Wheat Commissioner, knows the ins and outs of how to grow wheat. Through this training, he broadened his knowledge of wheat as they studied the process that transforms wheat to a consumer product as well as how different qualities can affect the final product outcome.

“There is no better way to find out about milling than to come ask Mark Fowler,” said O’Toole. “I got hands-on experience in the mill. I got hands-on experience grinding wheat. I’d recommend this course to anybody that has a little bit of curiosity about how that little piece of bread stays with them.”