CHESTERFIELD, MISSOURI, U.S. — A Food Dialogues event held on Aug. 11 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S., by the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance focused on the need to bridge the gap between consumer concerns and food production and sourcing decisions.

From environmental sustainability to GMO safety and animal welfare, consumers increasingly want to know if the methods used to grow and raise food are impacting their long-term health or that of the planet.

At the panel event, it became clear how steps are being taken by food company executives, registered dietitians and chefs to address these questions and better meet consumers’ needs, including sharing more information about the farms and ranches where the food comes from. At the same time, farmers and ranchers are connecting to consumers, using blogs, websites and social media to share their stories and make agriculture more accessible to consumers than ever before.

Despite these efforts, questions and concerns about food production abound. The panel discussion, moderated by Bloomberg’s Alan Bjerga and featuring Minnesota soybean farmers and food executives, was a conversation that focused on bridging the information gap between food production practices, consumer concerns on health and the environment, and choices food executives must make when sourcing their products.

Click herefor a video of the panel and more information.