POLTAVA, UKRAINE — NIBULON’s Reshetylivs’ka branch elevator in Poltava, Ukraine, reached one million tonnes of grain received on Feb. 3, the company said.

The elevator, founded in November 2006, was a pioneer in the construction of a network of elevator complexes in Poltava.

In autumn 2006, the company put into operation the first stage of the facility and in 2007 — the second one. It is a high-capacity elevator complex equipped with modern import equipment with capacity of almost 39,000 tonnes. It can dry 3,000 tonnes of grain, clean 2,000 tonnes and ship 3,500 tonnes of grain by rail per day.

The branch received 251,000 tonnes of grain and oil crops in the 2008-09 marketing year. The elevator performed seven full production cycles during that period.

Since 2006, the elevator has shipped 928,000 tonnes, dried 507,000 tonnes, received 42,854 grain trucks, signed 324 agreements for supplies and cooperated with 383 suppliers. The average annual index of grain receipt is 111,100 tonnes.

The elevator of “Reshetylivs’ka” branch has received 689,900 tonnes of corn, 171,200 tonnes of wheat, 101,000 tonnes of barley, 20,900 tonnes of rapeseed and 14,100 tonnes of soybean.

“We do not have any peculiar atmosphere and exclusive operating conditions,” said Branch Director Valeriy Reutsoy. “We have the same working conditions as other branches. But the main motive force promoting our branch is inner reserves, professional approach and our highly-skilled employees.”