MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, U.S. — The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) announced recently the loss of Robert Charles Frey, Sr., who died on Jan. 16, 2011, at the age of 90.

Frey was a dedicated member of the grain industry. He started as grain sampler and worked his way up the corporate ladder to the role of operations manager. In addition, he was recognized as an industry expert in malting barley quality.

Frey served as international president of GEAPS from 1972-73. In recognition of his volunteer leadership service to GEAPS and the grain handling industry, he was bestowed the honors of GEAPS Industry Leader in 1973 and GEAPS Member of Distinction in 1974 and 1985. Frey was truly dedicated to GEAPS and helping industry operations professionals. At a time when the GEAPS Minneapolis Chapter was struggling, members at that time credited Frey for reviving the chapter and ensuring its future success. At the same time, Frey and his wife published a GEAPS member newsletter from their home.