ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA, U.S. — Dan Hughes, Venango, Nebraska, U.S., was elected secretary-treasurer of U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) board of directors on Jan. 19.

The board also elected Randy Suess, Colfax, Washington, U.S., as chairman and Darrell Davis, Ipswich, South Dakota, U.S., as vice-chairman. New officers officially begin their duties at USW’s summer board meeting, to be held this year July 15 to 18 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S. At that time, current Chairman Don Schieber, Ponca City, Oklahoma, U.S., will replace Janice Mattson, Chester, Montana, U.S., as past chair and USW budget committee chair.

“Wheat farming is my life’s work and passion,” Hughes said. “USW is a great organization, and I look forward to serving in a leadership capacity.”

Hughes is a third-generation wheat farmer in the southwest corner of Nebraska with his wife Josie, adult children Tyler and Ashley and Ashley’s husband Tim. His operation consists of about 11,000 acres, including hard red winter wheat for domestic use and export, as well as hard white wheat under contract for ConAgra.

Hughes recently participated in an agricultural trade team with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture to Hong Kong and Taiwan.

"In my mind, the trip reinforced the importance of leadership in the promotion of our domestic wheat as a global food source,” he said. “We raise a quality product. I am committed to seeing that it stays that way and our customers get what they want.”

Hughes is the current chairman of the USW Long-Range Planning Committee and serves on the USW Audit Committee. He also is a commissioner of the Nebraska Wheat Board, serving as chairman from 2008 to 2010.