WAHPETON, NORTH DAKOTA, U.S. — The Cargill Corn Milling facility in Wahpeton, North Dakota, U.S., has received a re-certification for the "Star" status as part of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP). The facility initially received Star status in 2008.
The OSHA safety programs are designed to recognize and promote effective safety and health management. In the Voluntary Protection Program, management, labor and OSHA establish a cooperative relationship at a workplace to implement safety programs. The Star program is designed for worksites with exemplary health and safety programs that go beyond the minimum regulatory requirements established by OSHA.
Cargill will hold a celebration ceremony for employees on Sept. 11, and Sept. 13.
“We are proud of this recognition for safety excellence because of what it says about our commitment to each other and to our community," said Jason Stevens, Cargill Wahpeton facility manager. "In fact, our facility recently achieved a safety milestone in having gone one year without a recordable injury, which is a huge success. We place great emphasis on ensuring that everyone goes home to friends and family in the same or better condition as when they started the day.”
The VPP process includes requirements in which employers must demonstrate that they have programs in place to effectively identify, evaluate, prevent, and control occupational hazards. The facility's injury incident rate must also be below the industry average. More information on VPP and the Star site status can be found at