WEST PERTH, AUSTRALIA — The CBH Group’s 10 year above-rail agreement with Watco WA Rail officially begins on May 1.

CBH Group General Manager Operations Colin Tutt said that the partnership has already moved over 83,000 tonnes of grain to port in the four weeks prior to the agreement officially commencing.

“Today is the beginning of a strong partnership built on a mutual ambition to get the most out of the rail system for Western Australian growers.  Already being out there on the tracks is testament to our commitment to delivering value to our growers,” he said. “Watco WA Rail has a culture driven by customer service and like its parent, the U.S.-based Watco Companies Inc., Watco WA Rail’s focus is to put the customer first.

“This culture, along with innovation, is just what is needed in the grain rail industry and it is what will deliver us significant productivity efficiencies over the coming years of our partnership.

“Couple together the efficiencies that will be delivered by our new rolling stock with the efficiencies that our new above-rail operator can bring to the rail environment, and Western Australian growers can expect more tonnes to port at lower freight rates.

“Our partnership will help to shape a more competitive and sustainable grain industry in WA.”

Watco WA Rail will provide a comprehensive rail logistics service to the CBH Group including train planning and scheduling, tracking, maintenance and inventory control.

Watco WA Rail Chief Operating Officer Jim Griffiths said that his team was ready to go.

“Today marks the date where the risk and the hard yards begin to pay dividends to WA growers,” he said.