MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, US — A new grain processing track has been added to the educational offerings at this year’s Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) Exchange. The event, to be held Feb. 22-25 at the Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, Missouri, US, also offered a Golden Ticket providing full registration fees and a $500 travel stipend. Nominations for the ticket were accepted until Jan. 8 and five recipients were selected.
“GEAPS Exchange 2025 brings the first-ever grain processing track that will focus on educational and technical opportunities throughout the grain processing industry, with special emphasis on ethanol production and soybean crushing,” said John Caupert, executive director of GEAPS.
GEAPS Exchange will feature more than 45 hours of education sessions spanning all aspects of grain handling and storage. The event also includes an Expo Hall with the latest technology and services to make grain operations safer and more efficient. Demonstrations are planned in the Expo Hall on grain entrapment rescues as well as small-group presentations.
The Idea Exchange will showcase new products in the industry and innovative ideas that facility managers have implemented to improve operations. Multiple social events are planned, including the Get Acquainted Party, Welcome Reception and Closing Reception.
The processing track will provide insights on extraction technologies, safety compliance and quality control protocols. Sessions will cover advanced soybean processing, including preparation stages and extraction methods as well as the use of corn and soybeans as a feedstock for bio-based renewables such as ethanol and renewable diesel.
During an Innovation Station from 3:45-4:30 p.m. on Feb. 23, industry leaders will share current information about the processing industry and the shift that GEAPS is taking to provide more for processing industry professionals. On Feb. 24, John Mulholland, general manager with N. Hunt Moore, will discuss the basics of oilseed processing, including the two major types of extraction in use in North America and soybean and canola statistics. Gary Koerbitz, process department manager/principal with VAA, will discuss how to harness oilseed value-added processes and growth potential. The next day, Scott Korte, director of engineering with N. Hunt Moore, will provide more details on oilseed processing, followed by Robert White, president of the Renewable Fuels Association, who will provide a historical, current and future perspective on the ethanol industry.
The other three educational tracks will focus on safety, including sessions on railroad and barge safety, dust explosion prevention and fall protection; employee development with sessions on effective hiring, succession planning, improving team performance and creating quality workplace culture; and grain operations, including sessions on automation, project management, energy savings and facility maintenance.
Education sessions kick off with a keynote address by Pamela Barnum, a former undercover police officer and nonverbal communication expert. Her presentation, “Tactical Influence,” will cover the FIRST Principles of Leadership, teaching the audience how to turn adversity into growth with research-backed techniques focused on fortitude, integrity, respect, self-awareness and tenacity.
GEAPS Exchange full conference is $435 for GEAPS members and $670 for non-members who register by Jan. 29. An Education + Expo package is available for $205 for members and $335 for non-members before Jan. 29 and includes one day of Education and Expo sessions. An expo-only pass is free for members and $70 for non-members. Registration is available online at www.geapsexchange.com.