CURITIBA, BRAZIL — Excessive rains have bogged down Brazil’s soybean harvest for the 2024-25 season, and unfavorable weather has delayed planting of the second corn crop, Reuters reported, citing agribusiness consultancy AgRural.
As of Jan. 16, farmers had harvested just 1.7% of the planted area for the current season, the lowest level for this time of year since 2020-21. Harvesting had increased from the 0.3% reported last week but still lagged substantially behind last year’s 6% pace.
The rains have had the greatest impact in Mato Grasso, the top grain-producing state in the country. AgRural said Mato Gross is harvesting at its slowest pace since 2010-11, when the data series began.
Adverse weather also has impacted planting of the country’s second corn crop, which represents about 75% of total production for the South American nation. It is planted after soybeans are harvested from the same fields.
Second corn planting in Brazil’s important center-south region had reached 0.3% of the expected area by Jan. 16, below the 4.9% seen a year earlier and the slowest pace since 2021, according to AgRural. The consultancy said too much rain in Mato Grosso and too little in Parana, two major grain states, were to blame.
AgRural provides market information/analysis and consulting services for farmers and agricultural companies in 12 Brazilian states, representing about 90% of the country’s corn and soybean production.
Expectations for bumper crops remain high for the 2024-25 marketing season. According to the National Supply Company’s (Conab) recently released forecast, Brazil is looking at a record total grain output of 322.3 million tonnes.
Soybean production is expected to reach 166.3 million tonnes, up nearly 19 million tonnes from the previous harvest. A record corn harvest also is anticipated, with production increasing by 3% over 2023-24 to 119.6 million tonnes.