UZWIL, SWITZERLAND — A panel of experts will participate in a live online panel discussion on “Improving the Health of Society with Flour Fortification,” on Jan. 26.

The event at 10 a.m. (GMT+8, Singapore Time) will feature experts from Bühler, DMS Nutritional Products, Bakels Group and Food Fortification Initiative.

More than two billion people are deficient in one or more nutrients in both developed and developing countries, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Through flour fortification, flour millers play an essential part to tackle these malnutrition and other health-related challenges together with a diverse network of stakeholders.

The panel will cover a variety of topics on this issue, including:

  • Current nutritional gaps in Asia’s society and what this means for the milling industry
  • Food fortification as a solution, with focus on flour fortification
  • Success stories in Asia Pacific and beyond
  • Challenges of food fortification and regulatory issues
  • Integrated solutions to make an impact

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