MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, US — After reporting a net income of $3 billion in the 2020 fiscal year, Cargill has delivered record dividend payment to its family members, Bloomberg reported.

According to audited accounts reviewed by Bloomberg, the company’s net income was up 17% over the previous year and Cargill’s fourth highest ever.

In June, Cargill announced it would no longer publicly disclose quarterly earnings. Instead, the Minneapolis-based company said it only will share publicly its annual revenue and percent of operating cash flow that is reinvested back into the company.

The dividends to the 125 family member stockholders who control Cargill increased to $1.13 billion, up 76% from $643 million in the previous year, Bloomberg reported.

Cargill’s revenue for the year totaled $114.6 billion, according to the company’s fiscal year 2020 annual report, Nourishing the World.